2015 Update—August 31st to September 12th

I returned from my ‘leadership bootcamp’ on Wednesday the 2nd. That evening I joined 5 of my House colleagues on a panel, taking questions from Progressive Democrats for Delaware’s members on how the state has made its economic decisions, and how the state should make these decisions.

On Thursday the 3rd in the morning, I went to Dover to address the DE Health Care Commission (HCC), and to promote the HCC creating a workgroup to explore the idea of Delaware establishing an End of Life Advisory Council, as several surrounding states have done. The HCC agreed to consider this, and make a decision in October on whether to proceed.

On Labor Day, the 7th, I marched in the Labor Day Parade in Wilmington with AFSCME. That afternoon I went to the Carpenter Area of the White Clay Creek State Park for the last summer concert. On Tuesday morning I went to Wilmington for the monthly meeting of the DE Coalition Against Gun Violence, on whose board I sit, and that afternoon I participated in the ribbon cutting for the International Literacy Association’s new Little Free Library on Barksdale Road in Newark. On Wednesday the 9th I began the day with my monthly coffee at Panera—we had a great turnout and wonderful discussions on a wide range of topics. I had lunch with an advocate from the American Cancer Society, and that evening I door-knocked for David Bentz, who is running for State Representative in a special election. On Saturday I attended the ribbon cutting and celebration for the Grand ReOpening of the Newark Shopping Center, and I attended the annual crab feast for VFW Post 475 (behind the City of Newark municipal building).

Email Update

I had several emails in preparation of the Health Care Commission meeting, and as followups to that meeting. I had several emails requesting a meeting with members of the UD Presidential Search Committee and area elected officials. The meeting was held on September 9th (during my monthly coffee).

I sent an email to a resident of a small community outside the city, who is concerned with VERY slow DelDOT attention to his community after snowfalls. I shared emails with an area resident with a relative who has had some unsatisfactory experiences with ParaTransit. I had discussions on behalf of a district resident regarding whether and the extent to which the Medical Marijuana dispensary offers discount to patients with low income. I worked with DMV to resolve a concern that a resident had with a used car that his daughter went to DMV to transfer the title.

I am staying in contact with a member of the task force assigned to consider the expansion of the Port of Wilmington, which could take advantage of sharply higher demand upon the upcoming opening of a deeper Panama Canal.

I worked to ensure that we had House Tributes for the Little Free Library ribbon cutting, and the Newark Shopping Center Grand Re-Opening.

I have had discussions with residents regarding several concerns—Christina School District, proposed developments (Newark Country Club, the CVS on Paper Mill Road, the College Square Shopping Center, and the Little Sisters orphanage on Chestnut Hill Road).

I have connected with the Controller General’s office to ensure that the General Assistance monthly benefit checks (provided to those with no other source of income), which had been improperly reduced too much, to $75 a month, would be increased to $79 a month as of October 1st. The reduction to $75 was particularly troubling, as it was the stated reduction, to $81 a month, which I and five other Democratic State Representatives found to be particularly unacceptable in the budget on June 30th, and we had offered to vote for the budget if this one item was restored (to a still measly $90 a month, $3 a day). Not only was the benefit not left at $90, it also was not reduced to $81—it had been cut even further to $75. We are pleased that our attention to this mistake enabled the recipients to receive at least some small relief in the form of the October 1st increase.
